DR Congo - Topographische Karten downloaden
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Abdeckung mit Landkarten für Google Earth downloaden: central-africa--maps.kmz
Central Africa is a geographical area comprising the western part of Africa in the equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. The area embraces the vast plain depression of the Congo, adjoins the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea in the west, includes the Azande plateau in the north, the South-Guinean elevation in the west, the Luanda plateau and the continuing it Angolan uplands in the south. In the east Central Africa is limited by a branch of the western rift of the East-African rift system. The total area of the Central African territory is 6,613,000 sq km.
Central Africa includes the following countries:
- Gabon (the capital is Libreville)
- Cameroon (the capital Yaoundé)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (the capital Kinshasa)
- The Republic of Congo (the capital Brazzaville)
- São Tomé and Príncipe (the capital São Tomé)
- The Central African Republic (the capital Bangui)
- Chad (the capital N`Djamena)
- Equatorial Guinea (the capital Malabo)
Relief. The depression of the Congo has a flat waterlogged bottom at a height of 300-500 m. the highest mountains are the Adamawa in Cameroon (up to 3,008 m) and the Cameron volcanic massif (4,070 m). But in general the relief of Central Africa is smooth, with little oscillation.
Subequatorial Africa, especially the depression of the Congo, has the densest network of full-flowing rivers in Africa, the major of which is the Congo River (in Zaire). The Ogowe, the Kwanza and other rivers also flow into the Gulf of Guinea. Vast territories are swampy.
The equatorial climatic zone is occupied by thick many-tier damp tropical forests. The forests of the subequatorial zone are of the gallery type; on the dividing territories the savannas of various types are widespread. The mouths of the rivers disemboguing into the Gulf of Guinea are covered by mangroves.