Azerbaijan - download topographic map set
Total in map set190 maps of0,8Gb
Updated inJanuary 2015 (added 20 maps)
Selected in map set31 maps of0,1Gb
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Download topographic maps coverage for Google Earth: azerbaijan--maps.kmz
The topographic map set of Azerbaijan includes Caspian Sea maps, Greater and Lesser Caucasus Range maps, Mount Bazarduzu maps, Shakhdag maps, Talysh Mountains maps, Murovdag maps, and Zangezur maps. One will also find Kura maps, Aras maps, Samur maps, Balakanchay, Talachay maps, Katehchay, Kurmukchay, Kishchay maps and maps of Tufangol, Goigol maps, Maralgol maps, Garagol maps, Batabat and Aggol maps. The set contaions as well Baku maps, Kuba maps, Lenkeran maps and Ordubad maps.
Azerbaijan is a country in Transcaucasia in Western Asia. It borders on Russia in the north, Georgia in the north-west, Iran in the south and Armenia in the west. In the east, it is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The Nakhichevan Region, separated from the country by the Armenian territory, is also part of Azerbaijan. The area of Azerbaijan is 86,600 sq km.
Relief. Near half of the Azerbaijani territory is covered by mountains - the Greater Caucasus Range in the north and the Lesser Caucasus Range in the south-west. The highest peak of the country is Mount Bazardüzü (4,466 m) in the Main, or the Watershed, Range, while the lowest point is found in the Caspian Sea (-28 m). In the middle part of the country, there is the Kura-Aras Lowland, while in the south-east, the Lenkeran Depression is situated.
Mountains. The south-eastern part of the Greater Caucasus belongs to Azerbaijan. There are two mountain ranges here: the main, or watershed, range with the highest peak Bazardüzü (4,466 m) and the big, or side, range with the highest peak Shakhdag (4,243 m). The main range of the Caucasus is surrounded by foothills - it has plains with meadows in the north-west, Gobustan in the south-east, Alazan-Khaftaran in the south-west and the sloping Gussar plain in the north-east.
The Lesser Caucasus includes the south-western and the western parts of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Major mountain ranges include the Murovdag, Shakhdag and Zangezur Ranges. The Karabakh highlands which start in the southern Murovdag up to the Aras River are situated on the arch-like cones of extinct volcanoes and lava of the forth period. The Lesser Caucasus was formed by volcanogenic and deposited rocks of the Jurassic and the Cretacious periods.
The Talysh Mountains are situated on the south-eastern edge of Azerbaijan. The Talysh Mountains form a transition link between the mountains of the Lesser Caucasus and the Elbrus Mountains (Iran), and they consist of three major mountain ranges with an average height of 2,477 m.
Rivers. There are a large number of rivers in Azerbaijan: the Kura, the Aras, the Samur, the Balakänchay, the Talachay, the Katehchay, the Kürmükchay, the Kishchay, the Alazan, the Airichay, the Agstafachay, the Tovuzchay, the Asrikchay, the Zäiämchay, the Shamrikchay, the Gänjachay, the Kürakchay, the Terterchay, the Akerichay, the Okhchuchay, the Arpachay, the Nakhchyvanchay, the Alinjachay, the Gilanchay and the Ordubadchay. The Kura and the Aras Rivers are the largest rivers in the Caucasus. The Samur River is the largest river in the north-east of Azerbaijan.
Lakes. There are about 250 lakes in Azerbaijan: Tufangöl, Göigöl, Maralgöl, Garagöl, Batabat, Aggöl, Sarysu, Mekhman, Ajigabul, Ajinour, Bejukshor, Binagad etc. Lake Gajikabul is the largest (its area is 15.5 sq km).
National Parks and Reserves. In Azerbaijan, there are 6 national parks, 13 reserves and 19 preserves: the Gasan Aliev Ordubad National Park, the Shirvan National Park, the Ag-Gel National Park, the Girkan Park, the Altägach Park, the Absheron Park, the Shakhdag National Park, the Gobustan Historical and Natural Reserve, the Baku Seaside National Park and the Geygel State Nature Reserve.
- Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. The ancient part of Baku is a state historical architectural reserve;
- Kuba is a city in Azerbaijan, 28 km from the Khamchas Station. It was founded in the 15th cent. and was the capital of the Kuba Khanate in the 2nd half of the 18th;
- Lenkeran is a city in Azerbaijan and a port in the Caspian Sea. It is considered one of the most ancient citie of Azerbaijan. Not far from the city, in the Lenkeran Depression, the Kyzylagch Reserve is situated, which also includes part of the Caspian Sea water area;
- Ordubad is a city in Azerbaijan, which has a state historical architectural reserve.
Climate. Most of Azerbaijan lies within the subtropical belt. There are several types of climate in the country, from dry and humid subtropical (Lankaran) to mountainous tundra (the highlands of the Great Caucasus). The average annual temperatures range from 15°C in the depressions to 0°C in the mountains. The average July temperature varies from 26°C in the plains to 5°C in the highlands, while the average January temperature ranges from 3°C to –10°C. Rainfall is distributed unevenly - 200–300 mm per year in the plains, 300–900 mm at the foothills, 900–1400 mm in the highlands of the Great Caucasus and up to 1700 mm in the area of the Lenkeran Depression.