Central African Republic - download topographic map set
Total in map set158 maps of0,9Gb
Updated inJanuary 2015 (added 30 maps)
Selected in map set37 maps of0,2Gb
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Download topographic maps coverage for Google Earth: central-african-republic--maps.kmz
The topographic map set of The Central African Republic includes maps of Azande Uplands, Aburaseyn maps, Dar-Shalla and Mongo maps, Yade maps. One will also find Xinca maps, Mbari maps, Mbomu (Bomu) maps, Ubangi maps, Sangha maps, Mombere maps, Ouham maps, Lobau maps, Cotto maps, Gribingi maps, Xinca maps, Mpoko, Pama and Kadets maps. Besides the set has maps of Saint Floris, Bamingi-Bangoran maps, Andre-Felix maps, Dzanga-Ndoki and Dzanga-Sanguie maps, Dzanga maps, Ndoki maps. One will download Bangui maps and Buali maps.
The Central African Republic (CAR) is a country in central Africa, which has no access to the sea. The Central African Republic is bounded by Sudan in the east, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the south, the Republic of Congo (RC) in the south-west, Cameroon in the west and Chad in the north. The total area of the country is 623,000 sq km.
Relief. The country is an undulated plateau 600 to 900 m high, which separates the basins of the Congo River and Lake Chad. The greater part of the CAR is occupied by the Azande Uplands (600-900 m high). It is divided into the eastern and the western part. The eastern part has an overall southward inclination towards the Mbomu (Bomu) and Ubangi Rivers. In the north extends the Firth Range, which consists of groups of isolated mountains and ridges (over 900 m in height), such as Aburaseyn, Dar-Shalla and Mongo (over 1,370 m). In the south, there are residual rocks. In the west of the plateau lies the Yade Range, which runs well into the territory of Cameroon.
Rivers. The main rivers in the east of the Central African Republic are the Xinca and the Mbari. Other rivers flowing through the country include the Mbomu (Bomu), the Ubangi, the Sangha, the Mombere, the Ouham, the Lobau, the Cotto, the Gribingi, the Xinca, the Mpoko, the Pama and the Kadets.
National Parks and Reserves. The CAR’s national parks which include Saint Floris, Bamingi-Bangoran in the north-east, Andre-Felix, Dzanga-Ndoki and Dzanga-Sanguie are undoubtedly a decoration of the country. These are true islands of virgin tropical rain forests, which used to occupy the entire region, with all the diversity of unique flora and fauna typical of these unique natural environments. Access to such national parks as Dzanga and Ndoki is limited for tourists and they are open as purely scientific and environmental centers that have global significance. Angling in the Ubangi and the Sangha Rivers is simply fascinating.
Sightseeing. Bangui is the capital of the Central African Republic. This is an incredibly picturesque city, which resembles a huge park. Major places for night recreation are concentrated in the Kay-Chink district, 5 km from the center of the city. Here there are a large number of bars, discos, night clubs as well as the largest market in the country. The Boganda National Museum displays excellent examples of African art as well as a unique collection of folk musical instruments and the most complete exposition in this area, describing Pygmy life and culture. 99 km north-west of the capital lie the picturesque Buali waterfalls, which are particularly affluent during the rainy period. From the waterfalls you can also go on a tour of Emperor Bokassa’s summer residence.
Climate. The climate of the Central African Republic is hot subequatorial, with average temperatures ranging from+21°C in January to +31°C in July. Precipitation (1,000-1,200 mm in the north and the south 1,500-1,600) falls mainly in summer due to the invasion of wet monsoons. The best time for visiting the country is from November to April.