Western Africa - download topographic map set
Total in map set478 maps of2,5Gb
Updated inJanuary 2015 (added 55 maps)
Selected in map set70 maps of0,3Gb
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Download topographic maps coverage for Google Earth: western-africa--maps.kmz
Western Africa is part of the African continent, located southward of Central Sahara and washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the south. The Cameroonian Mountains are a natural border in the east. The following countries make part of Western Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Cote d`Ivoire, Liberia, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.
Relief. Western Africa comprises the semidesert regions of Sahel and Sudan, and the tropical forests of Equatorial Guinea as well. Due to etesian winds the climate is alternatively humid with clearly marked dry and rainy seasons. Sahel almost completely lacks vegetation; savannas prevail in Sudan; on the coast strips of tropical forest exist