Netherlands - download topographic map set
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Netherlands is a state the coasts of which are washed by the North Sea. The Netherlands borders with Germany and Belgium. The Netherlands also includes the island of Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles. The total area of the Netherlands is 41,526 sq km. The Netherlands is subdivided into 12 provinces: North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht, Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe, Overijssel, Gerserland, Zeeland, North Brabant, Limburg and Flevoland.
Relief. The Netherlands is situated in the estuaries of the Rhine, the Meuse, and the Scheldt. The relief of the Netherlands consists mostly of coastal lowlands; in the southeast some uplands are situated. The highest peak in the country is Vaalserberg (322 m) situated in the southeast, the lowest – Ziudplastpolder (-7 m).
Rivers. All the rivers on the territory of the Netherlands belong to the North Sea basin. Some of them disembogue into Lake IJsselmeer. The rivers flowing through the territory of the Netherlands are the Amstel, the Bergse Maas, the Meuse, the Dommel, the Oude Maas, the Beneden Merwede, the Waal, the Rhine, the Dintel, the Dinkel, the Scheldt, the Krammer, the IJssel, the Berkel.
Lakes. The lakes of the Netherlands are Grevelingen, Naardermeer, Alkmaardermeer, Amstelmeer, Gooimeer, Ketelmeer, Vossemeer, Eemmeer, Markermeer, De Fluezen, De Leijen, Shildmeer, Leekstermeer.
Sightseeing. Amsterdam – the capital of the Netherlands – is the city of a thousand canals with more than 600 bridges.
The Hague is the residence of the Government, the Parliament and the Royal Household, the third largest and one of the oldest cities in the country (founded in 1248).
The world-known seaside resort of Scheveningen and the old city of Delft (1246) – the birthplace of the Dutch whitish blue porcelain – are not far from the Hague.
Alkmaar is the only city in the country where the medieval cheese fairs and the “cheesebearers” guild have survived until our times.
Maastricht - one of the oldest cities of the country and the administrative centre of the province of Limburg – is situated in the south of the state near Belgium.
Rotterdam – the major port in Europe and the second largest city in the country – is situated on one of the northern branches of the vast estuary of the Rhine – the Lek River.
Tourism. A chain of sandy beaches and numerous resort towns stretches along the North Sea coast. Here one should visit the famous resorts Ijsselmeer and Veluwemeer and the typical Dutch towns Elburg and Harderwijk.
Climate. The climate of the Netherlands is moderate maritime. The summer is quite cool, the winter is rather warm. The average temperatures in July are +16°C - +17°C, in January about +2°C and a little less further inland. The precipitation is approximately regular throughout the year, about 800 mm annually.