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OneSoil map
OneSoil map
Belarus project OneSoil hit the most popular American startup aggregator Product Hunt. At the same time, the team published a detailed map of the fields of Europe and the USA, which they worked on for three years.
What is OneSoilThis is an agrotechnical startup. OneSoil is a free farming platform that automatically recognizes fields, identifies crops and controls the condition of crops. The technology uses machine learning and computer vision.
On October 23, 2018, the team launched a new project - the OneSoil Map, which allows you to explore and compare fields and crops in Europe and the USA.

The developers claim that so far the OneSoil map has no analogues in the world. For the project, the team used data from the European Copernicus program, machine learning algorithms and Mapbox GL JS technology. On the map you can see the relative level of yield, the size and number of fields by country and region, as well as the rating of crops.
Next year, developers want to add new countries to the map. As a result, the startup OneSoil intends to create the first open source data on agriculture in the world.
Digital cartography and GPS navigation 21-11-2018