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2d August, 1610 Hudson Bay was discovered

Hudson BayOn the 2d of August, 1610 in the course of the expedition, whose main goal was to find the Northwest route to Asia, English explorer Henry Hudson discovered and mapped the bay, later named in his honor.

In 1607 Moscow trading company hires Captain Henry Hudson and sponsors expedition to search for the northern route to Asia. While the Arctic region has not been studied enough, and the merchants thought that going to the north, north-west or north-east, they can find the most direct route to Asia.

Travel map shows that Hudson went on the ship "Hopewell" in the Arctic Ocean and headed to the north-west. In June, he reached the east coast of Greenland, and began to move away in a northerly direction, the sailor made a map of the area. On 20th of June Hudson left the coast and headed east. In mid-July, the expedition reached the northern tip of the Svalbard archipelago, which is 1100km from the North Pole. Future path was blocked by ice. So Henry Hudson decides to come back.

In 1608 Hudson is making another attempt in search of the northern trade route. At this time the course was taken to the east, and after some time the expedition reached Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Further navigation was impossible because of the ice. The team was forced to go back to anything else.

Despite the setbacks, Henry Hudson was not going to stop searching, and with the support of the East India Company he equips the third expedition on the ship of "Halve Maan". The course was taken to the New Earth, but because of dissatisfaction with the crew had to turn back. The ship headed west across the Atlantic Ocean and reached the shallow Grand Banks of Newfoundland, then sailors undertook a study of the coast of North America, and in September 1609 they discovered the island of Manhattan. In England, the team came back in November 1609.

In 1610 Hudson organized an expedition on board the "Discovery", which was sponsored by the British and Virginia East India Company. The course was taken to the north and in May the ship moored to the shores of Iceland, and in June - to the south of Greenland, and then rounded the southern tip and proceeded to the west. Mariners believed that the way to Asia has finally been found. On 25 of June the expedition reached the Hudson Strait to the north of Labrador and proceeded south. On the 2d of August the team came out to the bay. The next four months, travelers spent on mapping and exploring the shores of America. In November, "Discovery" was stuck in the ice, and the crew had to go ashore for the winter.

In the spring of 1611 the ship was freed from the ice and Hudson intended to continue the research. However, the team rebelled and 8sailors have gone home, and the captain and his son and 7 sailors landed on a row boat without food or water. Their fate is unknown.

The modern map of the world contains several geographic locations named in honor of the Hudson. In addition to the strait and the Gulf with his name, in honor of the legendary explorer are named the river, the bridge in New York, a city in the state of New York County in the state of New Jersey.

This Day in History 02-08-2013