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9th June, 1534 St. Lawrence River was discovered

St. Lawrence RiverOn the 9th of June, 1534 French explorer Jacques Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence River. This waterway flows across Canada and the United States.

On the map you can see that the river connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes. Its size is amazing: the length is 1197 kilometers, and the mouth wide extends for 130 kilometers, the basin area is 1,030 million

Cartier is known as one of the pioneers of Canada. His name is remembered alongside with such legendary explorers as Champlain and Cabot. In search of the north-western route to Asia and gold, he marked the beginning of the colonization of North America. He led three expeditions to its coast. This man was the first European to map and give detailed description of the St. Lawrence River and Gulf of St. Lawrence.

This Day in History 09-06-2013