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25th March, 1555 Valencia City was founded

On the 25th of March, 1555 Spanish Captain Alonso Díaz Moreno founded Valencia. This city was the first settlement of the Spaniards in Venezuela. It is named after the eponymous town in Spain. Local residents met colonialists as hosts, which resulted in a feud that reflected on the external appearance of the city and its cultural heritage.

From 1812 to 1830 Valencia was the capital of Venezuela.

Modern map of Venezuela shows that Valencia is the capital of Carabobo and the third largest city in the country. Since 2006 here functions metro. The population is 830,000 people, taking into account the residents within the boundaries of the urban agglomeration figure reaches 1.3 million people.

Topographic map shows that Valencia is located in the north of Venezuela, in 125 km west of Caracas, 30 km from the Caribbean coast, on a hill 11 km from same-name Lake.

Valencia today is the largest industrial center. But the first human settlements here were as earlier as in the 4th millennium BC.

This Day in History 25-03-2014