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This Day in History
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This Day in History
4th December, 1674 Marquette founded the first European settlement
19th November, 1875 was born Hiram Bingham
18th November, 1832 was born Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld
14th November, 1963 the island Surtsey was founded
11th November, 1729 was born Louis Antoine comte de Bougainville
25th March, 1611 was born Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi
On the 25th of March, 1611 was born Evliya Celebi geographer, Ottoman traveler and writer. This person is known that for 40 years he traveled described everything he saw. If we follow his route on an ancient map of the world, we can see that he not only walked the entire Ottoman Empire, but also travelled in neighboring countries.
Evliya Çelebi was born in the family of court jeweler in Istanbul and received a good education. His first journey he made in Istanbul and noted in his diary local markets and buildings, and described culture and customs.
In 1640 Evliya Celebi went outside of his native city. After researching the Ottoman Empire, he decided to expand the geography of his travels and went to the Caucasus. If you take a map of the world, you can see that then Chalabi moved to European countries - Austria and Hungary, and in 1665 was in the Crimea, where he met with the Crimean Khan Mehmed IV Giray. Leaving the Crimea, he went up the Volga and the even reached Kazan. However, researchers have questioned this fact, since the description of Kazan has a fantastic character and it's hard to believe that the author has seen this city firsthand.
Celebi’s next trip was on the island of Crete, Macedonia and Thrace (map of the world shows that Thrace - geographical and historical region in the eastern Balkans, which is now divided between three countries: Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria ). After a pilgrimage to Mecca, Celebi went to Egypt.
The exact date of the death of the Turkish traveler is unknown; presumably he died in 1682 in Cairo.
Thus, for his life Çelebi visited countries in Asia, Africa and Europe, explored the North Caucasus, Crimea, Moldova and Ukraine, sailed down the Volga, Don and the Urals. At the end of his life he handled his diaries, maps, travel notes and the ten-volume "Book Travel", which to this day is a valuable source for the history, geography, architecture and linguistics. Despite the fact that according to experts, the book contains many exaggerations, in general, these notes fairly reliably reflect the cultural aspects and lifestyle of people XVII century. So far, "The Book of Travels" is studied in detail and has great potential for research.
This Day in History 25-03-2014