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NASA charted a detailed topographic map of Antarctica

NASA has prepared the most detailed map of the surface of the Antarctic over the last decade. The new topographic map, Bedmap2, was created on the basis of maps Bedmap, previously developed by NASA.

Map Bedmap2 has absorbed a huge amount of data obtained in recent years from a variety of sources, including the Operation IceBridge. This information is collected by specially equipped aircraft of NASA, exploring remote corners of our planet.

Compared with previous version, the new product is more detailed and is designed to help scientists who study climate change on Earth. By the way, the map would be very interesting for those who are at the amateur level, is interested in geography and in topography systems. The developers promise that very soon it will become available. Currently, the official website of NASA has information on this project.

Digital cartography and GPS navigation 18-06-2013