News about maps
Digital cartography and GPS navigation
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Digital cartography and GPS navigation
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Next-generation of GPS satellites are headed to space
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Earthquake prediction systems
OneSoil map
Interactive map of forest fires in Russia
In the Chelyabinsk region started new internet project that presents online map of fires in forests and rural areas. According to the developers, it will reduce the number of accidents and the damage they cause.
Anyone can take part in the development of the project. Eyewitnesses can leave information about offenses and fires. All incoming information will be scrutinized.
Map "Help the Forest" is designed to help forestry area. Anyone can report on illegal logging, dumps, etc.
Every day forest map is updated with new data that was obtained from the relevant agencies as well as from the general public. There is variety of ways how to report about accidents: for example, send an email or a message via SMS or Twitter. It will be great if the messages contain photos or videos.
Digital cartography and GPS navigation 20-12-2012