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Maps of how megacities were built up

Experts from different countries develop new maps, which show what changes occur in megacities of the world. Most recently, appeared three new projects with colorful maps of New York, Reykjavik and Moscow, which demonstrate the dynamics of development in different periods.

Cartographers have created even two such maps of New York. One of them depicts all buildings of five boroughs of the city: Manhattan, Queens , Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Aylen . On the other – all objects of Brooklyn. New York is quite a young city in terms of architecture, so information about the buildings dates back since the 20s of XIX century. Among the shortcomings of maps of New York is that the developers have not made ​​it possible to separately view different era.

Reykjavik has a similar map charted by cartographer Matt Riggot. It is distinguished by a low-key colors. It also can’t show different construction periods separately. Among the advantages of the map is the presence of information about the years of construction of buildings.

Internet-project "Map of Moscow ages" allows you to explore the stages of development in the uniform time periods, as well as data of the government of various political figures.

Each period on a Moscow map corresponds to a certain color. It’s enough only to disable one or other color-period to see where and how many new facilities were built. The site also has a graph showing the dynamics of the building houses a year. When you hover over a particular object, you can see the year it was built, and address. Among the disadvantages - map of Moscow has not been finished.

It should be noted that all these megacities maps were created using information from public sources.

Digital cartography and GPS navigation 25-12-2013