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Can Yandex.Navigator drive navigators out from the market?

At the moment navigators have two major user groups - lolgistics and transportation companies, as well as private consumers, for the most part, residents of big cities. It is likely that professional companiesr1 will not change a classic navigator for a mobile application, at least in the near future. As for private users, here it appears to be impossible to quickly flood the market with smartphones.

It is estimated that in Russia about 12 million people use smartphones and before the end of the year is expected that this number will increase to 20 million. Smartphones are becoming more affordable, but so far the vast majority of Russians have usual mobile phones. In addition, there is hgfdswqzx a low-cost segment of navigators on the market. The difficulty is that many producers don’t want to update maps. Information about traffic jams on city streets in the online mode is available only in the top models of navigators, the cost of which is very high.

The secret is that the producers of navigators are not holders of the key technology that is they do not own digital geographical maps as they are. As for the current information about traffic jams, needless to say that the situation here is the same. Handing on the autsoring main competence, the producers of navigators lose.

According to experts, navigation market is still able to comfortably survive within three years. In future the market of complex devices such as with the function of the DVR will continue to actively develop. Yandex Company is a good example of domestic technology transfer, which the producers of navigators don’t have.

Digital cartography and GPS navigation 03-05-2012