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This Day in History


20th May, 1742 Semyon Chelyuskin reached the northernmost point of mainland Eurasia
On the 20th of May, 1742 during the Russian Kamchatka expedition explorer ...
This Day in History 2014-05-20

19th May, 1845 started the ill-fated expedition of John Franklin
On the 19th of May, 1845 from English town Greenheight started Arctic expedition under the ...
This Day in History 2014-05-19

18th May, 1788 was born researcher Hugh Clapperton
On the 18th of May, 1788 was born Hugh Clapperton, traveler, explorer of Central Africa. Hugh Clapperton ...
This Day in History 2014-05-18

17th May, 1673 started French expedition on the Mississippi River
On the 17th of May, 1673 French expedition of 7 people under the leadership of Jacques ...
This Day in History 2014-05-17

15th May, 1905 was founded Las Vegas
15th of May, 1905 is the official date of the founding of Las Vegas, USA , Nevada. Topographic map shows that the city ...
This Day in History 2014-05-15

14th May, 1804 started the expedition of Merriweather Lewis and William Clark
On the 14th of May, 1804 started expedition led by Merriweather Lewis and ...
This Day in History 2014-05-14

12th May, 1880 was born American explorer Lincoln Ellsworth
On the 12th of May, 1880 in Chicago was born Lincoln Ellsworth, aviator, polar explorer. It was a ...
This Day in History 2014-05-12

11th May, 1813 started an expedition through the Blue Mountains
On the 11th of May, 1813 Gregory Blekslend, William Wentworth and William Lawson, accompanied ...
This Day in History 2014-05-11

10th May, 1503 were discovered Cayman Islands
On the 10th of May, 1503 during the fourth voyage to the New World Christopher Columbus discovered and mapped ...
This Day in History 2014-05-10

8th May 1898 Joshua Slocum completed the circumnavigation
On the 8th of May, 1898 American sailor Joshua Slocum reached the point of his voyage start. Thus ...
This Day in History 2014-05-08