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Caucasus Mountains
Caucasus Mountains are a chain of mountains between the Black sea and the Caspian Sea. They are often divided into two chains of mountains: Greater and Little (Lesser) Caucasus.
Greater Caucasus
Greater Caucasus is a chain of mountains between the Black sea and the Caspian Sea, which within the Little Caucasus contain the Caucasus Mountains. Greater Caucasus is also one of the districts of the Caucasus as Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia. It spreads more than on 1100km from the North-West to the South-East, from the region Anapa and Taman Peninsula to Absheron Peninsula along the coast of the Caspian Sea, near Baku. Greater Caucasus (or Great Dividing ridge) reaches its maximum width in the region of Elbrus(less than 180 km). In the region of Greater Caucasus, especially in its northern slopes there are practically 2200 glaciers. Their square is about 1430 km2. The length of some glaciers in the region of Elbrus Mountain is about 12 km.
Little Caucasus
Little Caucasus is a chain of mountains in Transcaucasia. It joins Geater Caucasus by Lihtskiy ridge and in the West it is separated from it by Colchis, in the East – by Curinskaya lowland. Its length is about 600 km and the height is less than 3724metres. Deciduous and coniferous forests are typical for this region.
Central and West Caucasus
Central Caucasus is the most mountainous and difficult region to get to. Its main peaks exceed 5000 м, including the highest pick of Europe – Elbrus (the height is 5642 meters).
West Caucasus is a system of mid-mountain and high-mountain ridges, which within rocky peaks and towers contain forested landscapes, covered with glaciers and snow. It’s the most attractive part of the Caucasus from the tourists point of view. There are a lot of tourist centers and camps here. In winter skiers may stay in tourist centers and hotels, situated in Krasnaya Polyana, Arkhyz, Dombai and in the regions of Elbrus. In summer tourists are proposed hundreds of tour-routes which suppose them to overcome natural obstacles such as rocks, glaciers, snow slopes, rivers crossings. The most appropriate time for hikes is July-August.
Dombai, which gives skiers and tourist incomparable feeling of freedom and excitement, is known from “soviet” times. Clean air of mixed forests, panorama, which can be seen on the way from the airport to Dombai (200 km), from hotel windows or a cable car, can’t leave people indifferent. Dombaiskaya Polyana can’t offer you service of five-star hotel, but hotels do all their best to improve the level of service and attract new tourists.
Arkhyz is a climatic spa-treating area, which is located in the valley of the river Bolshoi Zelenchuk (a tributary of Kuban), at the height of 1450 meters. There are about 60 beautiful mountain lakes near Arkhyz. There is an impressive Sofiiski glacier, where 12 waterfalls spring from at the height of 120 meters. The climate of this region is continental, moderately mild. Mountain ridges protect the valley from winds. The monthly temperature of January is - 5 °С. Summer is moderately warm, the monthly temperature of July is about 14-16 °С. Autumn is continuous, dry and sunny. The climatic conditions, presence of snow, relief contribute to developing of ski resorts in Arkhyz.

Teberda is situated at the height of 1260-1300 meters above see level. Teberda is known as a town resort and a place of active rest. The tourist base of Teberda is a starting point for many routes. The main treating factors of the Teberda resort are mild climate and mineral waters. There is no exhausting heat in the valley of the river Teberda. The mid temperature of July is 16°С, January -5°С. Thanks to the active mountain-valley circulation the air here is very pure, transparent, highly-ionized and moderately moist.
Prielbrusie is a picturesque place in the upper reaches of the river Baksan. The tourist season in the regions lasts the whole year. The most beautiful and picturesque places here are situated in the upper part of Baksansky canyon. The mountain range of majestic Elbrus is covered with ice, the thickness of which is about 100 meters. The warmest month is August, the coldest is January and the dampest is July. There are 300 sunny days in Terskol. You can sunbath here in winter and ski in summer. It’s a big pleasure for tourists to lift on Elbrus in the cable cars of funicular railway. Sitting in such comfortable chairs of this funicular railway tourists can get to the mount Cheget.
Caucasus map set is available for purchasing.