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Rafting and topographic maps
Rafting directions and topographic maps. Part 1
Rafting directions and topographic maps. Part 2
Topography of China
Rafting directions and topographic maps. Part 2
Rafting in Ural

Looking on topographic map you can see that there are a lot of rafting tours along Ural, which attract tourists by amazing and majestic rocks, framing by rivers, fast rifts, clear reaches, mysterious grottos and caves. Travel agencies offer mainly multi-day rafting tours, which are organized along the rivers Belaya, Jurjuzan, Chusovaya, and which are ideal for spending holidays with family. If you want to take part in rafting tours along the rivers Bolshoj Inzer and Lemeza with obstacles of the second and the third degree of difficulty you should do it during spring flood time. It is a perfect time to get experience and practice in rafting for beginners.
Ural map set is available for purchasing.
Attractions in Eastern Siberia
Rafting in Eastern Siberia is interested due to plenty of mountain rivers of the Eastern Sayan. There are tours along reaches of the rivers Khara-Murin, Oka-Sayanskaya, Irkut. According to the obstacles met along the river Oka participants can choose both a regular route and routes for those who want to feel extreme while passing difficult rapids. There is a good possibility to diversify holiday program on the Lake Baikal by organizing rafting tours. The most popular sport routes along the rivers of Sayan are: Oka-Sayanskaya (the 4th degree of difficulty), Irkut (the 3d d. d.), Kitoj (the 5th d. d.), Iya (the 4th d. d.), Bolshaya Belaya (the 5th d. d.), also along the rivers of Khamar-Daban mountain range: Utulik (the 4th d. d.), Khara-Murin (the 5th d. d.), Snezhnaya (the 4th d. d.), Zun-Murin (the 4th d. d.). All these rivers you can find on the military topographic map of Eastern Siberia. Numerous rapids, concentrated on rather small length of reaches of rivers, impressive and picturesque valleys and canyons attract many sportsmen from the whole country year after year. One can recommend rather easy rafting tours along the river Irkut.
Extreme in Yakutia and Kamchatka
Real exotic tours tourists can find in Yakutia and Kamchatka, which are not very expensive. There are a lot of diverse rivers in Yakutia, such as the river Lena – one of the greatest rivers in the world, the great rivers Indigirka and Kolyma. Mountainous, full of rapids, rivers of south and north-eastern parts or Yakutia are of interest for rafters. Here rafting is an adventure for thrill-seekers and lovers of wild life. Yakutiya is one of the few places on the planet, where primeval clearness of nature and variety of flora and fauna is preserved. During the trip along the rivers you can see a lot of animals – living in Taiga – elk, brown bear, fur-bearing animals, but also rare birds, including white crane.
In Kamchatka most rafting tours are organized for fishing. There are tours along the rivers Opala, Bystraya, Avacha. While rafting along these rivers you can hardly meet any rapids, even if so, there are not very difficult. For example, tourists pass the only rapid of the third degree of difficulty on the river Opala, but it is talked about real expedition, the route begins hundred kilometers before the nearest town. Transportation to fishing place on the river Opala is possible only by helicopter. Mountain landscape with a view on gigantic volcanoes, thick forests, and also hot and cold springs will not leave amateurs of rafting indifferent.
Tour operators of Khabarovsk and Primorye Territories offers rafting tours for physically trained tourists, having basic skills of rafting. Availability of the forest road along the whole bed of the river gives the right to call Kema the most accessible sport river in Far Eastern region. However, the road from Khabarovsk to the beginning of rafting tour is a great adventure because you need to cover 1200 kilometers.
Kamchatka map set is available for purchasing.
Rafting in Kola Peninsula
Kola Peninsula has old and settled popularity among amateurs of rafting. The river Umba being of main interest for rafters is one of the greatest rivers of the peninsula. It has its source from Umbozero and flows into White Sea. Looking at the topographic map, you can see that for a distance of eighty kilometers the river flow through lakes, reaches and rapids. The most interesting, rough rapids are in lower stream of the river. Although the river Umba has some obstacles of more than 3d degree of difficulty and the length of the river is not big, it can be regarded as a river of 4th degree of difficulty due to its inclusion into long tours.
Transportation of tourists to the beginning of routes may implement by helicopter. It shortens time of transportation, but sometimes helps to avoid a few days of quiet rafting and give a possibility to pass only the most interesting parts of the rivers.
Kola Peninsula map set is available for purchasing.
Safety regulations

Whatever the route is difficult and wherever it passes, every participant of rafting should seriously think both about quality of personal equipment and reliability of boats. Construction of raft (presence of inflatable crossbeams fixing legs) must secure tourists with complementary insurance from throwing over the board. But unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid throwing over the board and overturn of the boat. That’s why everyone must put on personal protection equipment: life jacket and crash helmet. This is minimum safe equipment, which organizers of rafting tour must provide. But you should also think about complementary equipment. Thus, wet suit will be good for the cold water of mountain rivers. For personal safety every participant must be able to swim. However, the best life preserver is raft itself, and if you accidentally throw over the board in the impetuous water, you should pass obstacles, holding the raft tightly, than swimming by yourself. Also everyone must be able to read topographic map to avoid unforeseen consequence.
Rafting is breathtaking adventures, a spilling out of emotions, a winning in struggle with water element and with yourself too; it is a unity of participants in like-minded groups, but it’s not an entertaining attraction on water. The participants should fulfill rafting rules very strictly. Only in this case rafting tour will be safe and fascinating rest and, undoubtedly, will bring you great pleasure.
Last but not least, if you would like to have thrilling, unforgettable holidays don’t forget to bring with yourself good topographic maps!